December 25, 2009

- Merry Christmas & Year End Wrap Up

I did not want this Christmas day to pass without posting a few gifts for you to enjoy. As you know, Chalked & Amazed has a companion site called Golden Chalk Classics. This FREE archive collection is an ongoing project documenting the rich history and literature of chalk talk. Every PDF file has been indexed with OCR software which means you can throw dozens of book files in a folder and search the ENTIRE contents of the folder at the same time using Abode Reader. So, if you want to find ideas for a special theme like Christmas, or a Bible character like Noah, it will be a snap.

The Christmas artwork above (by E. J. Pace) can be found in one of the following books which I just posted for free downoad, Drawing Men to Christ by Phil Saint. Phil's daughter, Martha Saint-Berberian has graciously granted permission to make this vintage book available for a new generation of chalk artists.

Enjoy these classic titles and may your New Year be filled with peace, joy...and chalk dust.

1. DRAWING MEN TO CHRIST by Phil Saint, 1943, 64pp.

2. THROUGH THE EYE TO THE HEART by Rev. Wilbur Fisk Crafts, 1873, 251pp. (two different editions are posted for download)

3. PICTURED TRUTH by Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce, 1895, 208pp.

December 4, 2009

- Episode 008: Dr. Robert L. Smith

Dr. Robert L. Smith has a very hefty chalk art pedigree. He has been chalking for over 55 years and just celebrated his 25th year of teaching Communicative Chalk-Talk at Howard Payne University. Dr. Smith has authored two books on the subject and also produced a TV show from 1955-1965 called The Art of Living which featured chalk talks.

In addition to teaching, Dr. Smith has worked as a commercial artist and served in pastoral ministries, missions and the US Air Force.

Listen to a streaming version here. Running time: 66:40

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

In 2009 Howard Payne University honored Dr. Smith for his 25 years of teaching. Read the article HERE.

Check out Dr. Smith's two chalk art books and order them HERE . Two pictures from his book Ideas For Successful Chalk Talking are shown below.

"Dr. Robert L. Smith, distinguished professor of preaching and church administration, gives one of his "chalk-talks" to students during chapel."

(text and photo from the 1986 Lasso - yearbook of Howard Payne University, p. 54)

September 30, 2009

- Announcing Golden Chalk Classics!

Chalked and Amazed now has a companion site called Golden Chalk Classics. This FREE archive collection is an ongoing project documenting the rich history and literature of chalk talk. The name "Golden Chalk Classics" reflects the fact that many of the books were first published well over 50 years ago - some closer to a century.

Many of these books are in the public domain and, currently, there are ten titles posted for FREE download - dozens more will be added as they are scanned. Whenever a new title is posted for download, an alert will be made here on Chalked and Amazed.

Here is a list of what is available for FREE download NOW at Golden Chalk Classics:

1. THE BLACKBOARD IN SUNDAY SCHOOL by Henry Turner Bailey, 1899, 131pp.

2. CHALK TALK and CRAYON PRESENTATION by Charles Bartholomew, 1922, 159pp.

3. BIBLE SYMBOLS (aka THE BIBLE IN PICTURES) by Frank Beard, 1904, 182pp.

4. BENGOUGH'S CHALK-TALKS by J. W. Bengough, 1922, 162pp.

5. CHALK TALK MADE EASY by William Allen Bixler, 1932, 129pp.


7. HAPPY HOURS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS by Daniel Elwood Lewis, 1909, 128pp.

8. PENCIL POINTS FOR PREACHER AND TEACHER by Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce, 1905, 210pp. (flyleaf shown)

9. BLACKBOARD DRAWING by Frederick Whitney, 1902, 32pp. (flyleaf shown)

10. BLACKBOARD SKETCHING by Frederick Whitney, 1906, 63pp.

Also note, chalk art books which are still in print and available for sale are listed in the section called Current Chalk Classics (along with vendor links).

Links to Golden Chalk Classics are at the top of this page or enter HERE.

August 10, 2009

- Episode 007: Elva Hurst

Elva Hurst was raised among the "plain" people of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - the Old Order Mennonite and Amish. These roots have given Elva a unique perspective on just how effective chalk art can be at opening doors into this ultra-conservative world.

Raised with a solid work ethic, this mother of four also finds the time to write books, create art, teach classes, tend a farm and still keep a very busy performance schedule.

Listen to a streaming version here. Running time: 71:16

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

Visit Elva's Chalk Art HERE.
You can read a nice review about Elva HERE from October, 2008.

(photo by Richard Hertzler of the Lancaster New Era)

The home of Elva's Barnyard Art Studio & Gallery

July 20, 2009

- Squeezing Ultra-Bright Black Light From Your Easel Hood

Over the years, I have had to wrestle with venues that were not darkened properly. There have been churches with huge skylights, floor to ceiling stained glass, and hosts that “forgot” to cover the windows, causing my fluorescent and hidden drawing effects to glow anemically (if at all). Most recently I was in a new facility which had auditorium lights that could not be shut off completely, only dimmed—a current trend in safety lighting for public buildings. For years, ambient light issues like these have plagued chalkers everywhere. But recently I discovered a fairly simple solution that solves most of these problems for a modest cost. Read the full article HERE.

July 16, 2009

- Episode 006: Dr. Rick Honea

Meet the new "kid" on the chalk art block, Dr. Rick Honea. Although Dr. H has only been chalking for a few months, he is certainly no stranger to the stage. He has been ministering, educating and entertaining as an illusionist, hypnotist, motivational speaker and more for over 20 years. Rick throws himself into everything he does with a characteristic passion that is both rare and contagious. As he is fond of saying, "You've only got one shot at this thing called life."

Listen to a streaming version here. Running time: 61:50

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

Be sure to visit these interesting links to Rick's sites and other resources:
- Visit Rick's chalk site The Fires Within HERE.
- Visit Rick's Magic site HERE.
- Visit the church where Rick pastors HERE.
- Visit Rick's Hypnosis site HERE.
- Visit Rick's hypnosis clinic in Lubbock HERE.
- Visit the Fellowship of Christian Hypnotists HERE.
- Read how Rick uses an iPod in his shows HERE.

- Building Instructions For a Bed Sheet Easel

Have you ever thought about doing some chalk drawings on a really large format like bed sheets but weren't quite sure how to rig up an easel? You could travel with a portable projector screen frame or you could have your booking venue build this simple easel from pine boards and have it ready and waiting for you when you arrive at the program. Thanks to Dr. Rick Honea for making these plans available for free download HERE. Be sure to visit his site at

July 11, 2009

- Episode 005: James Snyder

There was a man in the Bible who was a carpenter for a while before he launched into full-time ministry. That would put our guest in pretty good company. Although he is a carpenter by trade, Mr. James Snyder anticipates the day when chalk ministry will become his primary occupation. His passion is already there.

Listen to a streaming version here. Running time: 40:48

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

Visit Snyder Chalk Talk Ministries HERE.

Parable of the Sower from Mark 4:1-20

July 10, 2009

- Chalk Art: Catching the Vision

For those people just getting started, or hoping to, chalk art is among the rarest sub-genres in the world of performing arts evangelism. But there is a place of great joy and power waiting for you between the audience and the easel if you are just brave enough to try! This newly updated book covers the basics: materials, equipment, soundtracks and promotion. Click on the image to order this 39 page resource.

July 9, 2009

- Episode 004: Dr. David LeGrand

Who is the owner and proprietor of the world's only Chalk Art Resource Center? This episode features Dr. David LeGrand, veteran chalk artist, writer, inventor, professor, publisher of Chalk Art News and Chalk Art for Christian Ministry, and the owner of

Listen to a streaming version here. Running time: 57:40

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

- Soundtrack Wizardry

These notes explain how to use iTunes, iPod, & MP3Tech for organizing and managing your entire music library, customizing show tracks and taking wireless control of your show music. This newly updated edition is an entry-level tutorial that will explain the basics for setting up a searchable song database, music selection, mixing tracks, wireless playback and more. Click on the image to download this free 8 page resource.

July 7, 2009

- Episode 003: Dan Ondra

Mr. Dan Ondra knows what it takes to troupe a large, traveling, gospel variety show (and has the bad back to prove it). But even though the semi-load of equipment & props have been retired, one thing has remained the same - Dan's eagerness to assist chalkers everywhere and help their ministries flourish. As he often says: "There's no competition here - we're all on the same team." Dan is one of the most selfless chalk artists I know and has been a personal blessing to me.

Dan is not just a veteran chalk artist. His resume also includes being a teacher, author, magician, designer, inventor...well, too much to list here. Did I also mention that he is generous?

Listen to a streaming version here.
Running time: 63 minutes.

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

These books are currently available as e-books from Dan's web site. Click on the book covers or titles to order.

Chalk Art Workbook A web-based chalk art training program. Learn to draw 7 different pictures step-by-step. 43 pages.

Fine Art Painting with Chalk (aka Art Theory & Therapy) A course consisting of 8 modules. 100 pages.

- Chalk Art Newsletter Archives

- Read this July 2009 edition of Chalk Art News featuring Dan Ondra.

See 17 more of Dan's chalk art concepts at

July 4, 2009

- Being a Fool For Christ

Over a century ago, Sam Loyd designed one of the most popular and magical puzzles ever created—more than ten million copies were produced! This genuine puzzle masterpiece is called “Get Off the Earth” and features a posse of sword-wielding Chinese warriors. I was inspired to re-imagine Sam’s puzzle with an added gospel flavor and had been tinkering around with this for over a year. Then, one day, my daughter Christy suggested using clowns. Viola! Finally, my version called “How Many Clowns?” is ready for release.

Click here to watch the puzzle animate.

This picture shows how I have adapted the puzzle into a simple tract for children which they can cut out and assemble. Part of the copy reads:

How many clowns can you find? Point the cross toward clown A and you will find 12. But one is lost! Sharing the Gospel is as simple as pointing the cross toward clown B. Count again. Now there are 13! The lost has been found!

Every soul is a circus,
And every life is a tent.
So be a fool for Jesus,
And smile wherever you're sent!

For God will use the foolish.
Yes, reach out and clown around.
Use all your gifts for Jesus,
Seek and the lost shall be found!

Feel free to distribute this puzzle as a gospel tract or use it as a give-away at your programs.

Download a full page (8 1/2" x 11") version HERE.
Download a half page (5 1/2" x 8 1/2") version HERE.

- Episode 002: Gary Means

Have you ever had an epiphany moment in life? Our guest for this episode, Mr. Gary Means once provided such a moment for me in 1996 when I attended one of his chalk art conferences. What I experienced there changed my life forever so it seems only fitting that Gary should be my first guest on Chalked & Amazed! With over 50 years of chalking experience he is well qualified as a teacher of chalk art - and a great presenter (and friend) as well.

Listen to a streaming version here.
Running time: 63 minutes.

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

To see pictures of Gary's 4 books with ordering information, click HERE. If you would like to watch a time-lapse video of Gary drawing, here he is at Southington Christian Church in rural Ohio where he was a part of their 2008 VBS.

June 23, 2009

- A Niche Worth Scratching: 25 Tips for Digging Up Free Music Online

Most chalk artists are always trying to improve their soundtracks. Yet, most of us don't want to spend a lot on music. Good news! The amount of free, legal music available on the internet for download is astounding. The problem is that some of it comes with nasty strings attached: pirated files (meaning free to you but often stolen from the copyright holder), embedded Trojan viruses or spyware, and much more. Getting through this minefield can paralyze even the most stouthearted into inaction.

But I have spent a lot of time digging through that online minefield and discovered some great gems buried out there: public domain music, vintage archive collections, sample production music, royalty free goodies, old vinyl, and freebies from musicians who post their works just because they want to share it. As you know, links come and links go. Hopefully most of these will still be active when you get around to looking. I have cut & pasted them directly from my browser to ensure accuracy. This article was originally written for The Christian Conjurer magazine.

Download the full article HERE.

If you have a favorite free music link you would like to share, send it my way and I will include it below as a supplement to this post.

Supplement Links to Article:
- Classic Cat: The Free Classical Catalog
- The Recordist (more free sound effects)
- Discover Independent Music
- (free sound effects and clips)

June 19, 2009

- Episode 001: When Christmas Came to Thorn Creek Bridge

This first episode of Chalked & Amazed! does not follow the typical news & interview format which future episodes will have. This is actually an original chalk art soundtrack with a Christmas theme.

There are two versions of this audio story available for download. This is version one - narrated by me, which is why you may freely download it below. Version two is professionally narrated by George Sarris and may be downloaded as a bonus feature when you purchase Chalk Illustrated, issue #7.

Listen to a streaming version here.
Running time: 20:35

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

A dream inspired this Christmas story over a decade ago which I wrote down and gave to my wife, Jil, as a gift. The idea of turning this tale into an old-style radio drama has been calling to me ever since. Now, I offer this story in its new audio format as my early Christmas gift to you - feel free to use it during the upcoming Christmas season (download a higher quality 256/38mb, mp3 file HERE or a Word version HERE).

The rewriting, editing, recording, and mixing were daunting but also a rewarding joy. I have not yet developed a drawing to go with this soundtrack but would enjoy seeing any designs you might create.

June 15, 2009

- Coming Soon!

Introducing something brand new for gospel chalk artists - a podcast designed just for you. It's time to kick the tires and see what's under the hood. It should be a fun ride once we get 'er up to speed so buckle in!
The old RV? It belonged to the first chalk artist I ever saw - my boyhood pastor and teacher Rev. Stephen Kiplinger. Stephen, thanks for leaving me chalked and amazed!