What is Chalked & Amazed?

Chalked & Amazed is the only "chalk radio" show on the internet. This interview program features some of the most well-known professionals in our field as well as those serious enthusiasts who present chalk art on a regular basis.

Have you ever wondered how other chalkers first discovered this unique style of ministry? Or how their career in this field developed and expanded? Perhaps you would like to hear about their most embarrassing moment on stage from yesteryear or what new projects they are developing today. Tune in for all this and more.

Best of all, these Internet radio shows are FREE so listen here or download each one and begin enjoying them today. You will be...


July 7, 2013

- What Happened to the Podcast?

Unfortunately, the podcast has suffered a grievous lack of attention for quite a while—in fact, no new interviews have been released since 2009. The reasons are many and complicated, but the main issue had to do with the loss of podcasting equipment. There were several pieces of expensive, specialized equipment that I used to record live telephone interviews to my laptop hard drive. But the equipment was on temporary loan and was unexpectedly reclaimed by its owner.

About the same time, a complete relocation to another state along with a career change created a scarcity of free time to even think about how to reboot the podcast. So, between these unavoidable situations, the podcast had the cider squeezed from its adams apple. Oh, did I mention launching Chalk Illustrated, a free quarterly magazine for chalk artists?

A Promising New Hope?
Then I discovered that my friend and fellow chalker Dr. Rick Honea (see episode #6) had picked up the baton and was producing a podcast called Chalk Art Radio using a free service called Blog Talk Radio. So far, Rick has posted two, half-hour interviews, and you may listen to them now by clicking on these names: Gloria Kohlmann, and Kerry Kistler.

Rick may produce more shows later, or I might give the service a try some day (with his blessing), but there are limitations. First, there is a 30 minute constraint per show—longer interviews require a fee. Second, there is no option for editing shows. They are essentially done on the fly, in a single "take." And, because I sometimes stumble around like Porky Pig during interviews, I prefer to edit what gets released. Maybe YOU would be interested in tackling an interview podcast as a ministry to chalkers. Pray about it, and if you would like to collaborate in some way, e-mail me.

In the meantime, jump over to ChalkIllustrated.com and begin enjoying the quarterly magazine published exclusively for performing chalk artists.

January 20, 2010

- The Chalk Loft

Hi Gang,
A new year...a new project!

If you are a chalk artist, chalk talker (or just think it sounds like fun), there is a new place to hang out, relax and mix with others of like mind. There is no other place quite like this anywhere on the web. Of course, the Fellowship of Christian Magicians does have a forum which includes quite a small area for chalk artists. But, you must be a member of the FCM to access their forums - which locks out most chalk artists.

At The Chalk Loft, you don't need to have membership in an organization or pay dues to access the site - all are freely welcomed. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or grizzled old pro, everyone has something to offer whether it's a question, answer, idea, opinion, story or simply a philosophical musing about the art we love. Currently, there are 22 topics under 5 categories.

The Chalk Loft exists to help build and strengthen you and our craft. I believe, with your participation, The Chalk Loft could become the main, searchable data-base for all things chalk. So, if you do chalk (or know someone who does), don't be timid about stopping by the Loft often to share your chalk bits whenever the mood strikes - we're open 24/7.

The link for The Chalk Loft is http://thechalkloft.heavenforum.com/
Or, click HERE to enter the site.

Warmest regards,

December 25, 2009

- Merry Christmas & Year End Wrap Up

I did not want this Christmas day to pass without posting a few gifts for you to enjoy. As you know, Chalked & Amazed has a companion site called Golden Chalk Classics. This FREE archive collection is an ongoing project documenting the rich history and literature of chalk talk. Every PDF file has been indexed with OCR software which means you can throw dozens of book files in a folder and search the ENTIRE contents of the folder at the same time using Abode Reader. So, if you want to find ideas for a special theme like Christmas, or a Bible character like Noah, it will be a snap.

The Christmas artwork above (by E. J. Pace) can be found in one of the following books which I just posted for free downoad, Drawing Men to Christ by Phil Saint. Phil's daughter, Martha Saint-Berberian has graciously granted permission to make this vintage book available for a new generation of chalk artists.

Enjoy these classic titles and may your New Year be filled with peace, joy...and chalk dust.

1. DRAWING MEN TO CHRIST by Phil Saint, 1943, 64pp.

2. THROUGH THE EYE TO THE HEART by Rev. Wilbur Fisk Crafts, 1873, 251pp. (two different editions are posted for download)

3. PICTURED TRUTH by Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce, 1895, 208pp.

December 4, 2009

- Episode 008: Dr. Robert L. Smith

Dr. Robert L. Smith has a very hefty chalk art pedigree. He has been chalking for over 55 years and just celebrated his 25th year of teaching Communicative Chalk-Talk at Howard Payne University. Dr. Smith has authored two books on the subject and also produced a TV show from 1955-1965 called The Art of Living which featured chalk talks.

In addition to teaching, Dr. Smith has worked as a commercial artist and served in pastoral ministries, missions and the US Air Force.

Listen to a streaming version here. Running time: 66:40

Right-click HERE to download the mp3 (audio) file.

In 2009 Howard Payne University honored Dr. Smith for his 25 years of teaching. Read the article HERE.

Check out Dr. Smith's two chalk art books and order them HERE . Two pictures from his book Ideas For Successful Chalk Talking are shown below.

"Dr. Robert L. Smith, distinguished professor of preaching and church administration, gives one of his "chalk-talks" to students during chapel."

(text and photo from the 1986 Lasso - yearbook of Howard Payne University, p. 54)

September 30, 2009

- Announcing Golden Chalk Classics!

Chalked and Amazed now has a companion site called Golden Chalk Classics. This FREE archive collection is an ongoing project documenting the rich history and literature of chalk talk. The name "Golden Chalk Classics" reflects the fact that many of the books were first published well over 50 years ago - some closer to a century.

Many of these books are in the public domain and, currently, there are ten titles posted for FREE download - dozens more will be added as they are scanned. Whenever a new title is posted for download, an alert will be made here on Chalked and Amazed.

Here is a list of what is available for FREE download NOW at Golden Chalk Classics:

1. THE BLACKBOARD IN SUNDAY SCHOOL by Henry Turner Bailey, 1899, 131pp.

2. CHALK TALK and CRAYON PRESENTATION by Charles Bartholomew, 1922, 159pp.

3. BIBLE SYMBOLS (aka THE BIBLE IN PICTURES) by Frank Beard, 1904, 182pp.

4. BENGOUGH'S CHALK-TALKS by J. W. Bengough, 1922, 162pp.

5. CHALK TALK MADE EASY by William Allen Bixler, 1932, 129pp.


7. HAPPY HOURS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS by Daniel Elwood Lewis, 1909, 128pp.

8. PENCIL POINTS FOR PREACHER AND TEACHER by Rev. Robert Fletcher Young Pierce, 1905, 210pp. (flyleaf shown)

9. BLACKBOARD DRAWING by Frederick Whitney, 1902, 32pp. (flyleaf shown)

10. BLACKBOARD SKETCHING by Frederick Whitney, 1906, 63pp.

Also note, chalk art books which are still in print and available for sale are listed in the section called Current Chalk Classics (along with vendor links).

Links to Golden Chalk Classics are at the top of this page or enter HERE.